Spells to Delete your Past
Spells to delete your Past, Sometimes don’t you wish that you could snap your fingers and make someone forget the past? The spell to delete your past works by using its magical forces to make someone forget about any bad past events, as they will be erased from their memory. This spell will work whether you want them to forget all of your past or only parts of it. Maybe there is just one incident that you wish them to forget rather than forgetting all of your past. This spell will do that for you.
There are many reasons for this situation occurring. Maybe the memory you would like to erase is linked to your own, perhaps bad or thoughtless behavior. Spells to Delete your Past
The Benefits of Deleting the Past
Wouldn’t it be great if you could undo all of the mistakes you’ve made in the past? While this might not be possible right now, you can begin to delete the past by using this magic spell. Instead of worrying about whether someone will find out about the bad thing you did as a teen, you can use this ritual to delete the past and you will find that you are able to start fresh with this new person. You don’t have to share things you don’t want to share, after all. But you don’t deserve to be punished for things that you can not change.
What are forgetful spells?
Forgetful spells, such as a spell to forget someone or forget me belong to a class of spells that are commonly referred to as life spells. These are forgetful spells that help us to forget the things in our lives that cause us pain and suffering.
Bring Back Lover
Has your loved one left you? Have they fallen out of love with you? Do you ache for their return? If you answer ‘yes’ to these questions, then this spell to reunite lovers will help you. The Return Lost Lover unleashes powerful magic that will open up the heart, body, and soul of your departed lover so that they will fall in love with you all over again, and quickly return to you.
Often we dream of rekindling the flames of an extinguished passion, but believe that this can never be so. The ending was so final, so dramatic; it would seem the phoenix can never rise from the ashes. So we move forward with a heavy heart, certain this love is lost for good, but often for reasons so trivial we cannot even remember them.
How the Return of a Lost Lover Can Help
Yet, with my magical Return Lost Lover chant, you can positively influence the heart of lost love and reignite their love and interest in you. The spiritual essence of this chant will make them realize the insignificance of the causes of your break-up and remember the good things that initially brought you together and then held you close.
Making Up chants
This chant will make things smooth and help you work it out. If you’ve had an argument with someone, or you’re just not getting along very well with them, and you’d like favorable circumstances in which to make, this might be just another chant that may help you! After casting this spell, the first thing most people notice is numerous “coincidences” that help things smooth and create just the right atmosphere to make up.
Breaking Up With You
This chant creates the best circumstances for you to break up with someone! If you want to break up with someone, but you’re not quite sure what to say or how to go about doing it, this might be just the chant you’re looking for! This chant has a great way of creating the best circumstances for breaking up with someone under the best conditions.