Reverse Any Spell

Reverse Any Spell

Reverse Any Spell. The Reverse Spell (Prior Incantato) was a charm that forced a want to show an “echo” of the last spell it had performed. Its counter-charm was the Eradication Spell, which removed these images.

Reversing Spells not only breaks the evil intentions of the spell but sends the effects back to the source of the spell. Reversing spells are usually not recommended because the person who worked the original spell (with or without a hex) may also repeat the spell if s/he suspects that it is not working.

Use this spell to reverse any harmful magic. But this may work to reverse the effects of a spell cast on you or someone else with malicious intent. You can even use this to undo your own spells (although hopefully, you don’t use magic to damage).

You may need the following items for this spell:

A taper candle
A glass or bowl

How to reverse the spells?

Directions: Sprinkle some salt or dirt in a bathtub. Add the mirror to the tub. Take a bath and chant, “Dirt [or salt], I call on you to reverse the spell, I want to own my body well.”

Why do spells have to be reversed?

This can happen when you follow spells literally without personalizing them or carrying them out correctly or fully, without thinking about it too much, and without really feeling the energy. Finally, and not least, among the reasons that lead to reversing the spells, there is also the possibility that the spell is no longer needed

Undoing or Reversing Spells | undoing spells, reversing spells

Casting Instructions for ‘Reverse a Spell’

how to cast a curse on someone, reverse spells back to sender, reverse spells and rituals, how to reverse witchcraft spells, how to reverse evil spells, reverse spells against you, how to reverse witchcraft, reverse a curse spell,

Cast a circle. Set the candle to the bowl or glass and fill it with water, so it’s almost covering the candle; have the water level about a half inch to an inch beneath the candle’s tip. Sprinkle salt into the water around the candle and say:

With salt, this water is made pure I give it the power to heal and cure

Imagine the water and salt glowing with a bright light. Maybe envision sparks because the salt hits the water. Light the candle and say:

A spell was cast with baneful will A wicked web was rigged I take away the harm and ill I now undo what’s been done

As the candle burns, imagine that the water is emitting positive energies, which will help to reverse the spell. Let these energies develop in your circle. When the candle burns to the amount of the water and sputters out, take it from the water and hold it with both hands. Say:

This harmful spell I negate, Return things to their rightful state!

At the last word, break the candle in half. As if the snapping sound were a thunderclap, imagine the energy in your circle being released in a burst of bright energy like lightning, destroying the effects of the spell you are reversing. If you can, snap the candle to even smaller pieces, breaking it further, which makes it useless and inconsequential.

Close your circle if you are not outdoors, and take the glass or bowl of water along with the broken candle outside. Bury the candle pieces in addition to any wax that dripped into the water.

 How does reversing magic work?

Reversing magic works in a few different ways. When you are reversing someone else’s spell, not only does it take the spell off of you, but it sends it back to the person who put it on you in the first place. Every spell requires an expenditure of energy. By reversing a spell, you are taking this energy and returning it to its source.

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