Lammas Ritual

Lammas Ritual

Lammas Ritual. This ritual typically involves decorating an altar with symbols of the season. Some of these symbols include Lammas Day, celebrated every August 1, which is a wheat harvest festival that is also known as Loaf Mass Day. The holiday encourages celebrations and mass gatherings where individuals thank God for the first harvest of the season. Lammas is the celebration of Mid-Summer. But It is a cross-quarter day marking the middle of Summer. The Lunar Lammas Moon is the closest Full Moon in Aquarius to today.

This holiday celebrates the grain harvest. Grain is a very important crop for most civilizations. If the grain was left in the fields for too long, or if the bread made from the grain was not baked in time, families might starve. In early Ireland, it was not good to harvest grain before Lammas.

What is the meaning of Lammas Day?

Lammas Day, celebrated every August 1, is a wheat harvest festival that is also known as Loaf Mass Day. But The holiday encourages celebrations and mass gatherings where individuals thank God for the first harvest of the season.
Lammas is a harvest holiday that is celebrated on August 1st in the Northern Hemisphere and on February 1st in the Southern Hemisphere. But It is a holiday that is celebrated by some people in a number of different English-speaking countries which include England, Ireland, Scotland,  the United States.

What is the prayer for Lammas Day?

Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation; you bring forth bread from the fields and give us the fruits of the earth in their seasons. Accept this loaf, which we bring before you, made from the harvest of your goodness. Let it be for us a sign of your fatherly care.
Lammas Day (Anglo-Saxon half-mas, “loaf-mass”), also known as Loaf Mass Day, is a Christian holiday celebrated in some English-speaking countries in the Northern Hemisphere on 1 August. 

How many days is Lammas?

Lammas, the conventional name of the Quarter Day which falls on August 1. But The Quarter Days—Candlemas (February 2), May Day (May 1), Lammas, and All Saints’ Day (November 1)—marked the four quarters of the calendar as observed in the British Isles and elsewhere in northern Europe.
Sage Goddess Honoring Lammas - The First Harvest
Lammas lands were so called because they were private property until Lammas Day (August 1st) after which they were subject to common rights of pasturage until spring.  The change in the calendar in 1752 meant that the Lammas Day fell eleven days earlier. Lammas Ritual

Why do people celebrate Lammas?! What is Lunar Lammas?! What is celebrated at Lughnasadh?! And also, Why is Lammastide an important date?!

Sweep area moving in a deosil manner. Outline the perimeter of your Circle with cornmeal or yellow sand. Place Gold Center cloth on the alter and garnish with harvested vegetables, (Corn, Squash, etc.), Lammas Ritual, Grains, (Oats, Rice, Wheat, Rye, etc.), and Fruits ( Apples, Berries, Cherries, Plums, etc.), on the alter. Set the Gold God Candle to the top right of the center

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