Hoodoo Love Spells
Hoodoo love spells (which are often mistaken for Voodoo spells) are included here. And also, Hoodoo is a form of African American magic, also known as conjure. Hoodoo blends a combination of traditions that include African and Native American practices, as well as Christianity and European folk magic. Santa Muerte, Jesus, and Papa Legba may be summoned when practicing Hoodoo spells.
Do hoodoo love spells work?
Yes, hoodoo love spells can work. What you need to understand is that voodoo love spells take a long time and a lot of effort. Hence it can cost you money if you want someone else to do the spell for you.
Why are hoodoo love spells difficult to get good results?
Love spells are about manipulating the intention of another person for your own benefit. Getting a person to feel, think, or act in a way they are not inclined to work is much harder than shifting the odds of luck, or fighting a magical curse with a magical cleansing. People have free will, and trying to change a person’s free will isn’t easy and often requires stronger spells and rituals (found in black magic love spells).
Do hoodoo love spells really work?
I get a lot of questions about voodoo love spells (meaning to ask me about hoodoo love spells), that I will answer for you today. Of all the Hoodoo spells you can cast, or have someone else cast, for example: money, luck, crossing, uncrossing, road openers, friendship, court case, hexes and curses, etc., love spells are the hardest and most difficult to get the result you desire.
Normally the questions about voodoo love magic are:
- Do hoodoo love spells work?
- Which voodoo love spells are better?
- What do I need to make my own voodoo love spell?
- How long does it take for my voodoo love spell to work?
What do I need to make my own voodoo love spell?
A single candle, oil, powder, etc. is not going to get you results. Love work is a long undertaking and will require you to use as many of the tools available to you as possible.
If you have no experience with doing magical work, then you really need to purchase a spell kit.
Depending on the situation, you may need more than one spell kit.
Depending on the difficulty, you may need to repeat the work.
Hiring a hoodoo/voodoo practitioner to cast your love spell
Most hoodoo/voodoo practitioners will not do reconciliation work, or break up a marriage. I do, as I am more of a chaos magic witch who uses various forms of magic to get the job done. Plus, I am not a Wiccan and do not follow the Wiccan reed.
I also believe that people who do their own love work get better results than most paid root workers, and even myself (if you know what you are doing). Why? You are more dedicated to it, you are more invested. You feel stronger about the issue and result than I do. The best solution is for you to do your own work, and then ask a root worker or witch who practices hoodoo, to set vigil lights on their altar to “back up the work”.
A recommended book on voodoo & hoodoo love spells
You can find out about the herbs and roots available for love work in Catherine Yronwode’s book Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic. This book is fast becoming the “bible” or go-to guide for Hoodoo workers, both new to hoodoo and experienced practitioners looking for a deeper understanding of the craft. You can click on the link to purchase the book at Amazon (the cheapest price.)